Here you will find answers to some of the frequently asked questions on the Empire Trilogy.
- How much input did Janny Wurts have in sculpting the every day life of the Tsurani?
- How did the general storyline and character developments come about in the Empire Trilogy?
- I thought the Minwanabi were obliterated?
- Please write more about the Empire and Kelewan i like the complexity and intrigue
- How did you and Janny Wurts work together on the Empire Trilogy?
- How big was the Stadium where the games Pug attended were held?
- How is a Great House determined ?
- What does a Tsurani's face look like ?
- How big is a Kelewanese Contemplation glade?
- How did you write in Collaboration with Janny Wurts?
- Why was Kevin brought back?
- On Kelewan are there any other lands than Tsubar, Thuril, and Tsuranuanni?
- Where did the name Tsuranuanni originate ?
- How would a gong on Kelewan be made if not from metal?
- What colour Green is Acoma Green ?
- Is Kelewan in the Same Cosmos as Midkemia
- What Dragons are there on Kelewan
- How did the Eldar arive on Kelewan
- Whay are there no Female Great Ones
- Where did Acoma come from (Re:I saw "Lady of Acoma" mentioned in"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley)
- What ever happened to the Cho-ja magicians?
- What Midkemia/Kelewan background material has been created, but not published?
- Why the English spelling "honour" throughout the UK Daughter of the Empire, when its obviously written in American?