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Have you seen the new book cover for Magician by Raymond E. Feist ? What about that new book cover from Poland? Have you seen all those book covers that Geoff Taylor, or Laszlo Vida, did for the books? We hope you will find the answers you seek here within these pages.

Book covers are the protective coverings used to bind together the pages of a book. There are two main types, hardcovers and paperbacks. In many cases hardcovers are protected by a loose paper dust jacket, and in some cases paperbacks are too. Publishers realised some time ago that the cover is valuable advertising space, and have over the years developed the cover art, to draw a potential reader to the book as it sits on the shelf, enticing them to open the book and find out more. Each publisher has their own ideas as to what works best, be it a plain cover, through to a full colour picture, maybe just gold foil writing will make the difference., Though as the market is constantly moving, covers must change to attract interest, but as there is no science into what is right, it may, or may not work.


Czech - Èestný Nepøítel - Cover by Don Maitz


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