From time to time, Raymond E. Feist is requested to review, and provide blurbs for books of other authors. Below you will find an extract from an email on the subject, including his position, and some of his reasons.
From: Raymond Feist
Date: 25 August 2007
Unfortunately, I can not visit your site or review your book. For a variety of reasons, I stopped "blurbing" books about fifteen years ago, the major issue being time. I got so many requests from publishers, authors I barely knew, strangers such as yourself, that I finally had to say no to all requests, else my time would be compromised, and I would eventually end up having to offend some parties by saying yes to others. Additionally, for legal reasons I also could only receive books from traditional literary agents or publishers.
I wish you the best of luck in your writing endeavors .
Best, R.E.F.