Here you will find the latest news in the world of Raymond E. Feist. It maybe the title of the next book, a new release or even a new project, but it could also be an update on an existing project. What ever it is though, we hope to present it to you as soon as we are aware of it. If you know something we don't, that relates to Raymond E. Feist, and believe it should be here, then please contact us.

Thu Jan 25th, 2024
A Darkness Returns - Synopsis
As worlds collide…
Hatushaly, last scion of the Firemane dynasty, his beloved Hava, and their dubious friend Donte have been transported across space and time from the war-torn world of Garn to the relative peace of Midkemia.
There, on Sorcerer's Isle, under the guidance of the magician Magnus and his erstwhile father Pug, in his reincarnated form, Hatu will explore and expand his unique magical abilities.
With the evil Pride Lords defeated, the Church of the One has risen to bring death and destruction to his home world. The Church is sending forces against Marquensas, where Daylon is now king, and Declan Smith finds himself suddenly and unexpectedly raised to the status of prince and war commander.
But an even greater menace than the Church of the One lies in wait, a creature from the Void, bent on the destruction of all living things.
Pug, Nakor and Magnus will need to join forces with Hatu, Hava and Declan if they are to save the worlds of Midkemia and Garn from everlasting darkness…

Tue Jan 9th, 2024
A Darkness Returns and cover
Release dates at present for A Darkness Returns the first book of the Dragonwar Saga are 1 August 2024 for the UK and 20 August 2024 for the US. Below is the cover for the US Edition.

Fri Jul 7th, 2023
A Darkness Returns - Release Date
Ray just posted.
The official release date for A Darkness Returns is now August 2024. It will be the same date for US & UK/export.

Mon Jul 3rd, 2023
A Darkness Returns
Ray just posted.
And unless my editor finds something that needs a last minute change, A Darkness Returns is HANDED IN!

Fri Mar 17th, 2023
Latest book update
Ray just posted.
After consulting with my editor, I get to keep my job. Seriously, what originally was projected as a two book project, The DragonWar will be another trilogy. Book One, A Darkness Returns, should be handed in this month. (Unless I get a phone call from an insanely beautiful woman who owns a distillery or win the Lotto. Either of those happen, all bets are off).

Sun Feb 26th, 2023
A Darkness Returns
Ray posted.
He is currently working on the draft of A Darkness Returns.

Tue Jan 17th, 2023
Next Series
Ray just posted.
Unless I change my mind, the next series Is The DragonWar Saga and the first book is A Darkness Returns.

Fri May 27th, 2022
Master of Furies - Coming soon
A reminder, Master of Furies release dates.
UK release date 9th of June 2022
US release date 5th July 2022

Wed Feb 2nd, 2022
TV Adaptation
Ray just posted a link to the following
‘The Riftwar Cycle’: TV Series Adaptation Of Fantasy Books In Works At Newly Launched Six Studios

Fri Dec 17th, 2021
Beyond the Empire - Janny Wurts
And now for something a little different.
Many have enjoyed the Empire Trilogy, but have you taken a look at the solo titles from Janny Wurts? There is a read along for Curse of the Mistwraith.
Here is a link if you would like to find out more.

Thu Dec 16th, 2021
US Master of Furies cover
Ray just posted the cover for the upcoming US Master of Furies.

Thu May 20th, 2021
Master of Furies
Ray just posted.
Just handed in the last pages of Master of Furies, and will start working with my editor's notes soon. Tentative publishing date is next summer, subject to change.

Wed Mar 10th, 2021
Ray just posted.
As some of you know, we had a weird contract issue with some audio titles in the US. Krondor: The Betrayal will be out in an audio version in June, I believe the 15th

Fri Jul 10th, 2020
Mythmakers - Raymond E. Feist from 1999
This is a re-release of what was originally VHS tape of a recording in 1999 with Raymond E. Fest.
The recording is available to purchase on DVD, or to be streamed.
The original signed VHS tapes have become collectables for thouse who still possess suitable players.
Find out more by visiting Time Travel tv