The Feistfans-l mailing list Hosted by
How to Subscribe to the mailing list.
Please read fully before joining.
Before we go into the details, there is one thing you should do above all else. On Subscribing to the mailing list you will receive a welcome email , with what appears to be uninteresting information. DO NOT delete this email, save it somewhere safe. It provides information on how to use the list, and most importantly how to "unsubscribe" if you ever decided to leave.
Also read this, Unsubscribe, or at least remember where it is. It is not uncommon for people to join the mailing list and after a short period post a "remove me from this list" message. You join, you have control, you can delete yourself.
It is also recomended that you read the following Information for Newbies.
To subscribe to the Feistfans-L, send an email to with the words...
join feistfans-l "YourName" the body of the message.
You MUST include the quotation marks around your name, and you MUST send the message in PLAIN TEXT (i.e. no formatting, font styles, or html code).
Don't forget to substitute your name for YourName.
When you subscribe, be prepared to receive any number of emails a day, it has been known to reach 140+ a day when a new book comes out.
If you have the facility in your software to route your email to a news seat (like a newsgroup), you will find this of benefit, as the messages should then be sorted, and grouped in threads.
If you plan to use an Employers email address for your subscription , please read Using an Employers email address for your Feistfans-l subscription.
All messages to the Mailing list are archived to the web.