In time we intend to provide guidance on the basic configuration of various popular email readers, to help you to get the most out of messages received from the Feistfans-l Mailing List. Its also worth reading this FAQ Handling email and common mistakes made by those new to the internet and email.
Google Mail
Microsoft Outlook
Google Mail - Guide by Cliff Nadler
This assumes you have a gmail account and are already subscribed to feistfans-l Mailing List:
Log into gmail account
Click on the "Settings" button at the top of the page
Click on the "Filters" tab in the setting page
Click on the "Create a new filter" link at the bottom of the page
In the "Create a Filter" form, put "" and click on the "Test Search" to see that it only find Fesitfans mail
Click on "Next Step"
Click on the box "Apply the label" and then click on the "Choose label" pulldown and select "New label". Enter a recognizable name in the "New Label" box and click on "OK".
Click on the "Also apply filter to the xxx conversations below" to mark all your current FeistFans-L mail, then click on the "Update Filter"
Note: You can also check off the "Skip the Inbox" if you don't want to see it when it arrives
You can also set up a filter for To: "feistfans-l@*" to catch a few of the other mails that sometimes don't get caught by the other filter.
Microsoft Outlook - Guide by Nikolai Gunn-Brockhoff
This assumes you are already subscribed to feistfans-l Mailing List.
Open Outlook.
Right Click on Inbox in all mail items folder.
Create a new folder.
Name the folder - Feistfans is as good as any.
Right Click on an email you have recieved from the feistfans-l (the sign-up email would be a good place to start, but any for the list will work).
Select Create a Rule
Click on subject contains (tick the box) and write feistfans in the writing area.
Click move the item to folder (choose the Feistfans or other named folder you created earlier).
Click OK then when it asks if you wish to run rule now tick the box and click OK again .

Seamonkey - Guide by Johan Godfried
This assumes you are already subscribed to feistfans-l Mailing List.
- Create the destination folder you want to store the feistfans-l emails in:
- Right-click on the parent folder in which you want to create the new folder
- Select "New Folder"
- Enter the name of the new folder you want to create
- Click on OK
- From the menu bar select Tools -> Message Filter...
- Click on New...
- Enter a filter name in the upper edit field
- In the "For incoming messages which:" box select or enter (From left to right):
- From
- contains
- In the "Perform these actions" box select or enter (From left to right):
- Move Message to
- Select the folder you created in the first step
- Click on OK
- Close the Message Filter window
- Done