Its always good to have a sense of humour, and occasionally Raymond E. Feist gives us a small insight into his. Here for your entertainment are some of those occasions.

At what stage do we find out more about Nakor and what he really is |
When I feel like telling you! (Or when he feels like telling me, is more like it) |

Does the new series include the development at sorcerers Isle |
"Developments?" What developments? Did Pug sub-divide the island and start building condos and time-shares? Damn. Those guys never tell me anything.

As far as I know, there are three moons over Midkemia. Does anybody know anything about them: What are their names...are there any cults worshipping the moons and so on... |
There was a nasty religious war in Midkemia over the name of the Moons. The two factions could only agree on the name of one of them: Moe.
Thousands died defending the concept that the other two were Manny & Jack, while others went to their grave uttering the names Larry & Curly. Only the despited Shemp following had been obliterated.
Seriously, we've always called them 1,2 & 3, or Big, Middle, and Luna. We only name moons on other planets, here, as our own is called . . .Moon! |

First book of Feist read, what age were you when you read it |
Magician. Started reading it in 1977, finished it in 1980. |

So How much would you pay for a R. E. Feist first edition Magician Hardback signed by the Author? |
Me? Not a dime. I read the book and it was OK, but nothing I'd read again. |

Are the Tsurani people from Midkemia? |
No, the Tsurani didn't originally come from Midkemia. As for where they all came from, it's a kitchen table in San Diego, CA circa 1974 . . . |