On occasion Raymond E. Feist has said something on the Feistfans-l Mailing list that makes you think. Here for your entertainment are a few of those quotations.
Writing is hard work. It's the best job I've ever had, but it's no day at the beach Raymond E Feist |
I'm proud of my body of work, and like what I've done, but each book is an imperfect realization of what I had in mind when I sat down and started. There's always things I could have done better. Raymond E Feist |
It doesn't matter if what your character does makes sense to the reader, as long as it makes sense to the character. Raymond E Feist |
And last but not least , one close to home... |
John's site is in many ways the biggest damn Feist FAQ on the planet, because not only does it have the list faq, it also a whole lot of other stuff people are interested in, such as foreign book art, junk I wrote for catalogues back when the rocks were cooling, etc. Raymond E. Feist |