From: "Raymond E. Feist"
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999
I doubt I can recall all the places I've visited. Afrer only one cup of coffee. . . . San Diego (of course) Los Angeles (many places) Orange County CA (many places) Riverside (many places) San Bernadino (many places) San Francisco/Half-Moon Bay Santa Cruz/Aptos Sacramento Las Vegas Portland Eugene Seattle Tacoma Minneapolis/St. Paul Chicago Detroit Cleveland Phoenix/Tempe/Tuscson Las Crusis/El Paso Dallas/Richardson/Arlington Austin New Orleans Orlando Chappel HIll, NC Fayattevill, NC Washington DC (suburban VA and MD) Philladelphia/Trenton/King of Prussia Pittsburgh New York/Long Island Boston/Cambridge London (many places) Bath Birmingham Bristol Manchester Edinburgh Glasgow Banbury Dublin Belfast Paris Munich Frankfort Nurenburg Duneden Christ Church Wellington Auckland Sydney (including suburbs) Melbourne (including suburbs) Brisbane Toowoomba Hobart Adelaid Perth Freemantle That's off the top of my head and I may have left a town or two out in the States. And recognize that there are many repeat vists (especially Southern California) and sometimes two or three stores in an area.
admin: See also Book Tours
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