Méditations sur la Terre du Milieu
click image to enlarge
Country: | France |
Book Title: | Meditations on Middle Earth |
Country Title: | Méditations sur la Terre du Milieu |
Story Title: | Our Grandfather: Meditations on J.R.R Tolkien |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Bragelonne |
Book Format: | unknown |
ISBN 10: | 2914370539 |
Printing Date: | 26/08/2003 |
Number of Pages: | 285 |
Price: | EUR 23,75 |
Editor: | Karen Haber |

Tolkiens Zauber
click image to enlarge
Country: | Germany |
Book Title: | Meditations on Middle Earth |
Country Title: | Tolkiens Zauber |
Story Title: | Our Grandfather: Meditations on J.R.R Tolkien |
Story Author: | |
Book Format: | unknown |
Editor: | Karen Haber |

Meditations on Middle Earth
click image to enlarge
Country: | US |
Book Title: | Meditations on Middle Earth |
Country Title: | Meditations on Middle Earth |
Story Title: | Our Grandfather: Meditations on J.R.R Tolkien |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | St. Martins |
Book Format: | unknown |
ISBN 10: | 0312275366 |
Printing Date: | November 2001 |
Price: | $24.95 |
Editor: | Karen Haber |
Comments: | Illustrator: John Howe |

Meditations on Middle Earth
click image to enlarge
Country: | US |
Book Title: | Meditations on Middle Earth |
Country Title: | Meditations on Middle Earth |
Story Title: | Our Grandfather: Meditations on J.R.R Tolkien |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Earthlight |
Book Format: | Paperback |
ISBN 10: | 0743468740 |
ISBN 13: | 978-0743468749 |
Printing Date: | 3 November 2003 |
Printing Revision: | 1 |
Number of Pages: | 256 |
Price: | 6.99 GBP |
Editor: | Karen Haber |
Comments: |

Meditations on Middle Earth
click image to enlarge
Country: | US |
Book Title: | Meditations on Middle Earth |
Country Title: | Meditations on Middle Earth |
Story Title: | Our Grandfather: Meditations on J.R.R Tolkien |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Earthlight |
Book Format: | Paperback |
ISBN 10: | 0743231007 |
ISBN 13: | 9780743231008 |
Printing Date: | 7 May 2002 |
Printing Revision: | 1 |
Number of Pages: | 236 |
Editor: | Karen Haber |
Comments: |

Tolkiens Zauber
click image to enlarge
Country: | Germany |
Book Title: | Meditations on Middle Earth |
Country Title: | Tolkiens Zauber |
Story Title: | Our Grandfather: Meditations on J.R.R Tolkien |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Piper Verlag GmbH |
Book Format: | unknown |
ISBN 10: | 349226610X |
ISBN 13: | 978-3492266109 |
Number of Pages: | 270 |
Editor: | Karen Haber |

click image to enlarge
Country: | Japan |
Book Title: | Meditations on Middle Earth |
Country Title: | 『指輪物語』世界を読む |
Story Title: | Our Grandfather: Meditations on J.R.R Tolkien |
Story Author: | |
Book Format: | Paperback |
ISBN 10: | 4562035765 |
ISBN 13: | 978-4562035762 |
Printing Date: | December 2002 |
Printing Revision: | 1 |
Number of Pages: | 254 |
Price: | 2310 Yen |
Editor: | Karen Haber |
Comments: |

Meditations on Middle Earth
click image to enlarge
Book Title: | Meditations on Middle Earth |
Country Title: | Meditations on Middle Earth |
Story Title: | Our Grandfather: Meditations on J.R.R Tolkien |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Griffin |
Book Format: | unknown |
ISBN 10: | 0312302908 |
Printing Date: | 11 October 2002 |
Number of Pages: | 256 |
Editor: | Karen Haber |
Comments: | Illustrator: John Howe |

La Tierra Media. Reflexiones y comentarios
click image to enlarge
Country: | Spain |
Book Title: | Meditations on Middle Earth |
Country Title: | La Tierra Media. Reflexiones y comentarios |
Story Title: | Our Grandfather: Meditations on J.R.R Tolkien |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Minotauro |
Book Format: | Hard Cover |
ISBN 10: | 844507388 |
ISBN 13: | 9788445073780 |
Printing Date: | 2003 |
Number of Pages: | 272 |
Price: | 16.50 Eu |
Editor: | Karen Haber |
Translator: | Estela Gutiérrez Torres |
Comments: | Illustrator: John Howe Tolkien no sólo ha despertado la imaginación de millones de personas: también ha forjado más de una vocación literaria. Ése es el caso de autores como Poul Anderson, Terry Pratchett, Ursula K. Le Guin, Diane Duane, Douglas A. Anderson y Orson Scott Card. Junto con otros escritores, se han animado a publicar emotivos artículos autobiográficos en que narran su primer contacto con la obra de Tolkien, evocan cuánto les marcó tanto personal como profesionalmente, y la analizan proporcionándonos nuevas claves para enfocar su lectura. Éste es un lúcido y conmovedor homenaje al maestro de la fantasía por parte de dos generaciones de los mejores escritores de ciencia ficción y literatura fantástica, complementado con ilustraciones de John Howe, cuya recreación del universo de Tolkien ya forma parte del imaginario colectivo. |