In 1999 Raymond E. Feist was a guest of honour at Fantasycon XXIII
Organised by 'The British Fantasy Society', it was held in Birmingham between the 17th-19th September 1999
The following is a copy of the programme for the event
15:00 FantasyCon Welcomes Raymond E. Feist (Dillons) - A reception for our special Guest of Honour courtesy of Dillons Bookshop. Come along and kick off the convention in style.
16:00 Registration (2nd floor)
17:00 Opening Ceremony (9th)
Panel (9th) - GoHs in conversation (Raymond E Feist, Louise Cooper, Robert Rankin, Graham Masterton, Mike Tucker)
18:15 Launch (9th In the Bar) - Silver Screen Launch Party (Justina Robson & Macmillan Publishers)
19:30 Panel (9th) - Writing Fantasy for Kids
20:45 Panel (9th) - Whose Story Is It Anyway? A round-robin with publisher interference
22:00 Quiz Night (9th In the Bar)
09:00 Registration (2nd)
09:30 Opening Ceremony (9th)
Panel (9th) - Editing Fantasy: A User's Guide. (Attending Editors)
11:00 Panel (9th) - Raymond E Feist in Conversation.
12:00 Lunch Break incorporating ... BFS AGM (9th)
12:30 Prism Meet (9th) - Ideas and suggestions with the Prism team.
13:00 Panel (9th) - Fantasy Effects in Film and TV (Mike Tucker)
14:15 Launch (9th) - Small Press Launch
15:15 Panel (9th) - Writing Horror for the Millennium
16:30 Mass Signing (Dillons) - Open to Public
18:00 The Gollancz/Millennium Happy Hour (9th In the Bar)
19:00 Meal Break
21:00 Horror Writers Association UK Chapter Meeting (9th)
21:30 Fabulous FantasyCon Raffle (9th)
23:00 A Ghost Story for Bedtime (2nd) - Chilling tales to take you through midnight.
10:00 Panel (9th) - How do I ...? Hints and Tips from our experts.
11:00 Panel (9th) - One Man and his Sprout. Robert Rankin in conversation.
12:30 Panel (9th) - Where Next? Fantasy and the Millennium.
14:00 Orcs' Feast: The FantasyCon Banquet (9th)
16:00 The British Fantasy Awards Ceremony (9th)
17:00 Dead Dog Party (9th)