From: Raymond E. Feist
Date: 13 September 2008
very few people finish a book they start, so the first thing is to just keep writing. Finish it and learn as you go. No one can tell you how to write your book; only you can tell if you're doing what you want with the story, characters, etc.
In general, writing isn't a young person's game. Usually you need some life under your belt before you really "get it," but it can happen. So, here' s the thing. Write because you love it, not because you think you're going to sell this first one. Maybe you will, or maybe you'll look back years from now and go "wow, was I young!" Either way, if you give up, you're not a writer.
As for keeping track of story and plot and characters for the next one, take notes.
Best, R.E.F.
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