The Mailing List is about Ray, his books, his Interests. In general, the only person allowed to Start a new thread that is Off Topic (OT) is Ray. You ask why? well if he is posting it it must be of interest to him, but this does not mean anyone can or should start an OT thread on the same subject at a later date.
Many threads on the list start off as On Topic, about Ray or one of the books, or other interest, and as the topic of conversation expands it can drift Off Topic. At that point it is prudent to prefix any posts with OT, so that readers can tell before they open the message, and hence choose not to open it.
In rare cases an Off Topic thread can return to On Topic.
OT threads tend to die Naturally, though occasionally members step in and ask that it be stopped as it has got out of hand. Please respect them for this, as you are filling their mailbox with unwanted emails.
Other users should in general NOT start Off Topic Threads. Though there are rare exceptions, such as the passing of a notable author.
FAQ answers attributed to Raymond E. Feist are copyright by Raymond E. Feist.
It should also be born in mind that the answer given was only applicable on the date written, and to a specific question. You may find further, similar questions, in the FAQ.