From: Raymond E. Feist
Date: 18 February 1997
Steve, Jon, and I have never sat down and composed a code of laws. I feel that at the time of the books the model is something along the lines of English Common Law. The underlying principle of the Kingdom is "The Great Freedom" which was a concept unique to the Kingdom of Poland in the 15th to 17th Century, which said that everyone had their place _and their obligation_ which was very unusual. It was as close to due process as most of Europe got in those days.
Anyway, I've always seen the existence of a single court system, but it's not obvious. Lords on their property are part of the court system. So Borric could rule on issues of guilt in open court at Crydee. There's also the King's court which is probably the same thing in most outlying disctrics. In Krondor the Prince's court serves as the King's court. I suspect that there are magistrates here and there who
adjudicate civil issues, such as boundaries of land, ownership of chattel goods, enforcement of contracts. I know there are litigators, 'cause I wrote about one in Shadow.
I also think it's a lot like the wild west; sergeant leading patrol around the boundaries of the Principality finds two men, one dead, the other standing over him with a sword. No witnesses. The sergeant says, "What happened?" The survivor says, "Man tried to rob me." Sergeant says, "Well, then, he needed killing, didn't he?"
Now, if the survivor is a well known thief, it's a quick trip to the local lockup, a fast trial, and a hanging.
No long, involved, lingering trials. I've always supposed capital crimes had appeal to the crown, but reversals of judicial findings would be few and far between.
Best, R.E.F.
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