A Spoiler warning or space is a divider that gives the reader a grace period of not seeing information regarding something in a story plot or character development. There is no such thing as a Spoiler warning for a place or someone's name. But you should try to avoid stating who is the father of a character in the subject or header line, and unexpected appearances by characters. Spoiler warnings in the Header or Subject are much more effective than actual spaces in the body of the message as the reader will skip your whole message. Regardless of which one you use depends on the circumstance of the use.
Another thing is if you feel that the spoiler only ruins a certain book then use a format of the book's abbreviated name with Spoiler after it. Example of what it would look like for Magician is: 'Mag Spoiler'.
Remember not everyone has read a book, it may be new in their language, only just released or they may have only just started reading Feist
FAQ answers attributed to Raymond E. Feist are copyright by Raymond E. Feist.
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