From: Raymond E. Feist
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995
Subject: Re: the Riftwar movie
Well, this comes up every once in a while, and it's fun.
If you want to know who I thought of umpteen years ago when I wrote this stuff, here's the list.
Borric was Sean Connery.
Carline was not "cast" in my head, but Mia Sarah as she was in Legend would be right.
Martin was Sam Neil (remember, he was younger then)
Carline's Nursemaid was uncast, but Rosie O'Donnald looks about right.
Macros was Ron Moody.
Gardan was James Earl Jones or Ossie Davis, now it would be Bill Duke.
Laurie was Richard Chamberlin, but Val Kilmer would work (if he could sing).
Tomas and Pug were never cast, being "originals" in my mind.
Guy was Jon Finch, a brilliant British actor.
Kulgan was Leo McKern
Tully was John Gielgud
Dolgan wasn't cast, but DeVito with some voice coaching and makeup would be fine.
Aglaranna was a young Rita Hayworth; nobody currently in mind.
Lyam was uncast.
Fannon was Cornel Wilde.
Arutha was also uncast until I saw Daniel Day-Lewis in Last of the Mohegans. That was dead on how I thought Arutha looked.
Gee this is fun.
Now all someone needs to do is raise $150 million . . .
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