One theory states that writers put two representations of themselves in their novels. One of how they see themselves and one of how they truly are. any credence to that?
From: Raymond E. Feist
Date: 28 November 2009
It's a common theory among some of the Lit Crit types that somewhere in there is an author's point-of-view character. It can be argued, more logically, that the "narrator" is the author's p-o-v, but that's getting into some pretty esoteric analysis of writing, IMHO.
I wish I was as competent as Arutha. Wish I was a dashing as Jimmy. Wish I was as resolute as Pug. Wish I was as successful with the ladies as Locklear. Etc.
But no one character represents any aspect of me at all.
If there's one character's impulse I identify with, perhaps, it's Pug's sense of obligation to do the right thing, as a moral compass. I do not succeed as he does, but I try.
Best, R.E.F.
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