A ghost-name is a fictional name that one uses to cover their identity for fear of retribution or attack. Its kind a like a handle on a CB (Communication Box), or Mr. Anderson other name is the notorious hacker called Neo. Neo, Lore, Red Rocker, Shoe Man Jew, and other similar names protect the individual from physical harm. Meaning with this day and age, all one-person needs is only a few bits of information to track down where someone lives. Real names, address, ISP, Phone numbers, and Identification numbers can even allow someone to impersonate someone else. So maybe using an anonymous name on the global Internet may come in handy for those who want to avoid personal attacks. However it opens up the fact of ghosting a ghost-name or stealing a ghost-name. Which covers the unwritten rule of the Internet, Don't give out personal information.
FAQ answers attributed to Raymond E. Feist are copyright by Raymond E. Feist.
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